      Our partners with major shipping companies offer different methods.
      You can choose your preferred shipping method on the Order Information page during the checkout process.
      Note: Shipping times may be affected during public holidays as manufacturers and couriers will limit their operations during these times. Though this is unfortunately out of our control, we will try our best to improve on this issue.
      Note: For tracking numbers, it may take a few days before they become active on the tracking website. If the information is not available, please try again later. Please rest assured that the estimated shipping time is valid regardless of the tracking site updates. 
      We highly recommend that customers purchase a tracking number and shipping insurance during the check out for peace of mind when waiting for their package.
      Kindly note that all packages are shipped from different Warehouses. Our items are shipping duty unpaid and therefore import tax may occur depending on your country’s Customs and shipping method. You may check with your local Customs Office for more information.
Contact Us 
      If there are any issues during the shipping time or after receiving the item, please feel free to contact us, our customer service representatives will offer you a satisfying solution. 
      Shipping time: usually 10-16 days.
      Processing time: usually 2-7 days.